Non obfuscate Scala object are visible but unaccessible

Hi @KyBe67 !

The scala compiler adds some custom attributes to Java class files:

$ javap -c -v -p Toto.class
Error: unknown attribute
  ScalaInlineInfo: length = 0x9
   01 00 00 01 00 0B 00 0C 00
Error: unknown attribute
  ScalaSig: length = 0x3
   05 00 00

Therefore you will need to keep these attributes also by adding Scala* to your -keepattributes:

-keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod,MethodParameters,ConstantValue,Module,ModulePackages,LocalVariableTable,LocalVariableTypeTable,Scala*

I also noticed that Scala requires the Keep superclass to be kept, so I had to add a -keep rule to get it to work:

-keep class aaa.Keep

Please try this out,

