Call for upvotes to add ProGuard obfuscation configuration to Spring Initializr (

Hi all,

We’ve got a Gradle Kotlin multimodule project building a Spring Boot Kotlin codebase and need to obfuscate all library jars and the Spring Boot apps. So far, we’ve found it extremely challenging to complete. The current Spring Boot example uses Gradle Groovy, is a single module project, and uses a somewhat old version of Spring Boot (2.3.5 as of this post).

As such, I’ve added a feature request to Spring Initializr to support ProGuard obfuscation as a new entry in their dependencies list. I’m asking you to please upvote it (by logging in to GitHub and adding a thumbs up or similar to the opening issue comment).

Please upvote the issue here.

The more upvotes, the higher up in priority the issue rises.
