How to package Spring MVC .WAR file

I would like to use proguard for my Spring MVC (not boot) application that is packaged as .WAR and loaded into tomcat server. I use proguard-maven-plugin to create obfuscated .WAR file. However the .WAR file created by proguard seems empty, only the class structure is there, but no classes at all.

My pom.xml config:

                        <option>-keepnames interface **</option>

                        <option>-keep interface * extends * { *; }</option>
                        <option>-keep class module-info</option>
                        <option>-keepattributes Module*</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.stereotype.Service class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.stereotype.Controller class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @org.springframework.stereotype.Repository class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @javax.annotation.Resource class *</option>
                        <option>-keep @javax.persistence.Entity class *</option>


I found out that changing <injar>${}.war</injar> to <injar>${}/WEB-INF/classes</injar> actually works as expected however the classes are in incorrect folder inside the .WAR

They should be in /WEB-INF/classes however there is just /classes folder inside the .WAR root folder. How to change the path of the classes folder ?

Ok I found out the root cause of this problem. When using this option:
<injar>${}</injar> all folders inside this injar folder are inserted as FILES instead of folders.
WEB-INF should be folder, but somehow it became a file inside the .WAR file.