Hi there! I’m new to ProGuard and trying to obfuscate my .jar file that includes javax.swing, JDA, opencv and jdbc sqlite. I added all of these jars at “Library jars” section. except javax.swing because there’s no jar for it. I chose only obfuscate while obfuscating with GUI. While proccessing, i got a tons of warnings like this.
Welcome to the community! The warnings you are receiving mean that ProGuard could not find a certain class that comes from a dependency.
Using -injars or -libraryjars followed by the path to the jar containing the referenced classes should resolve that.
The difference between both options is that -injars will result in these classes being part of the output as well. While using -libraryjars the classes will only be used by ProGuard while it processes your project, ProGuard will not include these classes in the output.
If you test the jar and your code works fine without the missing classes, you can suppress the warnings with ‘-dontwarn’ options.
Please see this post for more information on that warning and the necessary troubleshooting steps: