Issue Progurd 6.1.1: with OpenJDK 11

HI Team,

In my project. I have been migrating Progurd. I have updated version com.github.wvengen:proguard-maven-plugin:2.2.0 and updated Progurd Configuration
net.sf.proguard: proguard-base:6.1.1.

The problem now was one of the modules created specifically for dependencies by using maven. we do not java/main/src folder so did not created classes in target folder. Progurd throw on Erorr " [proguard] Error: Can’t read [E:\Karaf_Upgrade _4.4\core\ext\keyvault\target\classes] (No such file or directory: E:\Karaf_Upgrade _4.4\core\ext\bundles\keyvault\target\classes).
How to handle this issue? I have tried by adding -dontwarn this flag but the issue was it s exepcted class name. my case failed No such file or directory

Can any take look at once.

Hi @koka_vamsikrishna,

Welcome to the PG Community!

Can you please share the full stacktrace you get (containing the error) along with your general configuration?

Can you also please describe your project more?

Thank you very much!
Kindest regards,

Thank you for the replay @jack.

Finally, the above issue was fixed. Now we are having a different issue. Could you please take a look at it?

[INFO] proguard jar: [C:\Users\Vamsi.m2\repository\net\sf\proguard\proguard-base\6.1.1\proguard-base-6.1.1.jar]
[proguard] ProGuard, version 6.1.1
[proguard] Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ‘void, boolean, boolean, proguard.classfile.util.WarningPrinter, proguard.classfile.visitor.ClassVisitor)’
[proguard] at proguard.InputReader.execute(
[proguard] at proguard.ProGuard.readInput(
[proguard] at proguard.ProGuard.execute(
[proguard] at proguard.ProGuard.main(