Mapping file shows unrelated class

Hello, I am trying to understand what I’m seeing in our mapping.txt file.

androidx.emoji2.text.EmojiExclusions$EmojiExclusions_Reflections -> androidx.emoji2.text.i:
# {"id":"sourceFile","fileName":""}
    0:65535:void<init>():9:9 -> <init>
    3:11:java.util.Set getExclusions():68:68 -> a
    12:18:java.util.Set getExclusions():69:69 -> a
    19:24:java.util.Set getExclusions():70:70 -> a
    25:29:java.util.Set getExclusions():72:72 -> a

Why does the mapping seem to suggest that the constructor for MyClass is being merged with another unrelated class? How should I be reading this?