AppSweep Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have gathered some of the frequently asked questions about AppSweep to get started and get to work quickly. Let us know if you have any questions missing here and our team will continue to update this page.

  1. What is AppSweep?

AppSweep is a free application security testing tool built for mobile app developers and security professionals. With AppSweep, you can quickly scan your Android app, find security issues and get recommendations to fix them.

  1. Who is AppSweep for?

You! If you develop Android apps with Java and Kotlin, AppSweep is your companion to finding security issues and benefitting from recommendations on how to address them during development, before releasing your mobile app.

  1. How do I get started with AppSweep?

It’s easy to get started with AppSweep. All you need to do is:

  • Go to AppSweep
  • Upload your app
  • Review the findings and recommendations

It’s just that simple.

  1. Why should I use AppSweep?

AppSweep helps you quickly find security issues and provides you with actionable recommendations, based on the expertise of our security experts, to fix the identified risks.The testing and reports are based on the widely accepted OWASP standards. There is no limit on the number of team members you invite to your project. Moreover, you can integrate mobile app security testing into your DevOps pipelines using our Gradle plugin and share the reports with your security team.

  1. Why should I register for AppSweep?

By registering, you get access to additional features including: organizing your scans in projects, comparing different builds, exploring trends, monitoring improvements, and suppressing redundant issues. You can invite your team members and share reports and recommendations with them and, last but not least, you can integrate AppSweep into your CI process for automated scans with each build.

  1. Is AppSweep free?

AppSweep is free. You and your teammates can upload any of your apps and scan as frequently as you need.

  1. What happens to my data when I upload an app?

We are committed to handling your data in a secure and private way. For more details, take a look at our Data Protection Agreement and our security statements.

  1. How do I start using AppSweep?

Everything you need to get started scanning your Android mobile app is here: upload your app, scan it and check the issues and recommendations AppSweep has identified for you.

  1. Can my whole team use Appsweep?

You can easily work with your teammates on the same project including sharing scan results and recommendations. Just use the collaboration functionality within AppSweep to invite them to your projects.

  1. How can I integrate AppSweep into my workflow?

Simply create a Gradle plugin to integrate AppSweep into your workflow.

  1. I got an error scanning my app, who can help me?

You are in the right place. Ask any questions you have here or the chat service on AppSweep. Our team actively monitors both channels.

We appreciate requests and feedback. We will update this post as more questions come in.

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