Are there plans for ProGuard to support JDK22 version class files?

Are there plans for ProGuard to support JDK22 version class files? Version 66 class files.

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Hi @Steve_Wilmarth,

Yes, we have plans in place to push a release for Java 22 this week. I will notify you once it is live.

Thanks for your time,
Jesse & the Guardsquare Team

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Correction - Next week or the week after is a more realistic timeline @Steve_Wilmarth

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Hi @Jesse
Just wanted to check in and see if you had a release to support JDK22 in your plans?

Hi @Steve_Wilmarth,

So sorry for the delay. I have confirmation that it’s almost ready. In the interim, you can try building from the source code. Otherwise, I’ll make sure to reach out to you once we’re live.

Thanks, and if we don’t speak, have a great weekend!

Hi @Steve_Wilmarth,

ProGuard 7.5 is ready! Please let us know you have any questions.

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Working great, thanks so much!

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