Guardsquare Celebrates ProGuard and DexGuard Anniversaries

As you may have heard, 2022 is a very significant year for Guardsquare. It marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of ProGuard and the 10th year since DexGuard was created! The Our team takes great pride in the evolution and history of these solutions. That’s why we kicked off a year-long #ProGuard20 celebration with a giveaway (there is still time to enter!) and more…

Staying true to one of Guardsquare’s traditions, we commemorated the achievements by enjoying ProGuard and DexGuard anniversary cakes! They were truly delicious but the best part was yet to come…

To the surprise of nearly everyone present, Eric Lafortune, one of Guardsquare’s co-founders and the creator of ProGuard, made an appearance. He spoke about how impressed he was with the progression of ProGuard and growth of Guardsquare.

It was a very special day to commemorate a very special year. This isn’t where the fun ends, however, stay tuned as we announce an intriguing challenge next month involving one of our popular resources :slight_smile:

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