Javafx application

hi,I use proguard to obfuscate a javafx application ,I have config -adaptresourcefilecontents **.fxml ,but it does not work ,the name of the controller class had changed ,but in fxml,the corresponding class name dose not change ,for example ,in fxml file ,there is a config fx:controller=“queshens.controller.CameraSettingStageController” ,queshens.controller.CameraSettingStageController is the full name of the class ,which has been obfuscated as A.C.
how to do with this situation,the similar question is javafx - Proguard does not process onAction calls in FXML - Stack Overflow
thans for watching.

Hi @javafx ,

Can you share the full configuration with us? Is it just for this specific controller or are none of the classes in the fxml files renamed? Which ProGuard version are you using at the moment?

I quickly tried replicating the issue in a small Javafx sample but it seems to work correctly on my end.

Best regards,


thanks , the version of ProGuard is 7.1.0-beta5,and is none of the classes in the fxml files renamed.
this is my config as follow

-injars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\Modules.jar’
-outjars ‘D:\proguard\QueShengShiBie\QueShengShiBie.jar’

-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\MobileIMSDK4j.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\MobileIMSDKServerX_META.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\QueShengClent.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\jna-4.0.0.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\okhttp-3.9.1.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\okio-1.13.0.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\swing-worker-1.2(1.6-).jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231\’
-libraryjars ‘D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231\jre’

-target 1.8
-obfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-classobfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-packageobfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable,javafx.fxml.FXML,Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,LocalVariable*Table,Annotation,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod
-adaptresourcefilenames .fxml,.png,**.css
-adaptresourcefilecontents **.fxml

-keepclassmembers class * {

-keepclassmembers,allowshrinking class * {

Keep - Applications. Keep all application classes, along with their ‘main’ methods.

-keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Also keep - Enumerations. Keep the special static methods that are required in

enumeration classes.

-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

Also keep - Database drivers. Keep all implementations of java.sql.Driver.

-keep class * extends java.sql.Driver

Also keep - Swing UI L&F. Keep all extensions of javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI,

along with the special ‘createUI’ method.

-keep class * extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI {
public static javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI createUI(javax.swing.JComponent);

Keep - Native method names. Keep all native class/method names.

-keepclasseswithmembers,includedescriptorclasses,allowshrinking class * {
native ;

Remove - System method calls. Remove all invocations of System

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.System {
public static long currentTimeMillis();
static java.lang.Class getCallerClass();
public static int identityHashCode(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.SecurityManager getSecurityManager();
public static java.util.Properties getProperties();
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getenv(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String mapLibraryName(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.String getProperty(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);

Remove - Math method calls. Remove all invocations of Math

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.Math {
public static double sin(double);
public static double cos(double);
public static double tan(double);
public static double asin(double);
public static double acos(double);
public static double atan(double);
public static double toRadians(double);
public static double toDegrees(double);
public static double exp(double);
public static double log(double);
public static double log10(double);
public static double sqrt(double);
public static double cbrt(double);
public static double IEEEremainder(double,double);
public static double ceil(double);
public static double floor(double);
public static double rint(double);
public static double atan2(double,double);
public static double pow(double,double);
public static int round(float);
public static long round(double);
public static double random();
public static int abs(int);
public static long abs(long);
public static float abs(float);
public static double abs(double);
public static int max(int,int);
public static long max(long,long);
public static float max(float,float);
public static double max(double,double);
public static int min(int,int);
public static long min(long,long);
public static float min(float,float);
public static double min(double,double);
public static double ulp(double);
public static float ulp(float);
public static double signum(double);
public static float signum(float);
public static double sinh(double);
public static double cosh(double);
public static double tanh(double);
public static double hypot(double,double);
public static double expm1(double);
public static double log1p(double);

Remove - Number method calls. Remove all invocations of Number

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.* extends java.lang.Number {
public static java.lang.String toString(byte);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(byte);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String);
public static byte parseByte(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Byte valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Byte decode(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Byte);
public static java.lang.String toString(short);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String);
public static short parseShort(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Short valueOf(short);
public static java.lang.Short decode(java.lang.String);
public static short reverseBytes(short);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Short);
public static java.lang.String toString(int,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(int);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(int);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(int);
public static java.lang.String toString(int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String,int);
public static int parseInt(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Integer getInteger(java.lang.String,java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.Integer decode(java.lang.String);
public static int highestOneBit(int);
public static int lowestOneBit(int);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(int);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(int);
public static int bitCount(int);
public static int rotateLeft(int,int);
public static int rotateRight(int,int);
public static int reverse(int);
public static int signum(int);
public static int reverseBytes(int);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Integer);
public static java.lang.String toString(long,int);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(long);
public static java.lang.String toOctalString(long);
public static java.lang.String toBinaryString(long);
public static java.lang.String toString(long);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String,int);
public static long parseLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String,int);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long valueOf(long);
public static java.lang.Long decode(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,long);
public static java.lang.Long getLong(java.lang.String,java.lang.Long);
public static long highestOneBit(long);
public static long lowestOneBit(long);
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(long);
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(long);
public static int bitCount(long);
public static long rotateLeft(long,int);
public static long rotateRight(long,int);
public static long reverse(long);
public static int signum(long);
public static long reverseBytes(long);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Long);
public static java.lang.String toString(float);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(float);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Float valueOf(float);
public static float parseFloat(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(float);
public static boolean isInfinite(float);
public static int floatToIntBits(float);
public static int floatToRawIntBits(float);
public static float intBitsToFloat(int);
public static int compare(float,float);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Float);
public static java.lang.String toString(double);
public static java.lang.String toHexString(double);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(java.lang.String);
public static java.lang.Double valueOf(double);
public static double parseDouble(java.lang.String);
public static boolean isNaN(double);
public static boolean isInfinite(double);
public static long doubleToLongBits(double);
public static long doubleToRawLongBits(double);
public static double longBitsToDouble(long);
public static int compare(double,double);
public boolean isNaN();
public boolean isInfinite();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Double);
public byte byteValue();
public short shortValue();
public int intValue();
public long longValue();
public float floatValue();
public double doubleValue();
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public int hashCode();
public java.lang.String toString();

Remove - String method calls. Remove all invocations of String

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.String {
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String copyValueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(boolean);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[]);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(char[],int,int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(double);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(float);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(int);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(java.lang.Object);
public static java.lang.String valueOf(long);
public boolean contentEquals(java.lang.StringBuffer);
public boolean endsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public boolean matches(java.lang.String);
public boolean regionMatches(boolean,int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean regionMatches(int,java.lang.String,int,int);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String);
public boolean startsWith(java.lang.String,int);
public byte[] getBytes();
public byte[] getBytes(java.lang.String);
public char charAt(int);
public char[] toCharArray();
public int compareToIgnoreCase(java.lang.String);
public int compareTo(java.lang.Object);
public int compareTo(java.lang.String);
public int hashCode();
public int indexOf(int);
public int indexOf(int,int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(int);
public int lastIndexOf(int,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.CharSequence subSequence(int,int);
public java.lang.String concat(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replaceAll(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String replace(char,char);
public java.lang.String replaceFirst(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String[] split(java.lang.String,int);
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);
public java.lang.String toLowerCase();
public java.lang.String toLowerCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String toString();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase();
public java.lang.String toUpperCase(java.util.Locale);
public java.lang.String trim();

Remove - StringBuffer method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuffer

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuffer {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);

Remove - StringBuilder method calls. Remove all invocations of StringBuilder

methods without side effects whose return values are not used.

-assumenosideeffects public class java.lang.StringBuilder {
public java.lang.String toString();
public char charAt(int);
public int capacity();
public int codePointAt(int);
public int codePointBefore(int);
public int indexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String);
public int lastIndexOf(java.lang.String,int);
public int length();
public java.lang.String substring(int);
public java.lang.String substring(int,int);

now I user proguard-7.2.1 version ,and it work,but have a new question,not all class obfuscate ,some class is missing ,and I can’t find it in mappint.txt.

and config as follow

-injars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\Modules.jar’
-outjars ‘D:\proguard\QueShengShiBie\QueShengShiBie.jar’

-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\MobileIMSDK4j.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\MobileIMSDKServerX_META.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\QueShengClent.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\jna-4.0.0.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\okhttp-3.9.1.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\okio-1.13.0.jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\idea\QueShengShiBie\out\artifacts\JavaFx\swing-worker-1.2(1.6-).jar’
-libraryjars ‘D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231\’
-libraryjars ‘D:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_231\jre’

-target 1.8
-printmapping ‘D:\proguard\QueShengShiBie\proguardMapping.txt’
-obfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-classobfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-packageobfuscationdictionary ‘D:\proguard\UpCaseDictionary\upcaseDictionary.txt’
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable,javafx.fxml.FXML,Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,LocalVariable*Table,Annotation,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod
-adaptresourcefilenames .fxml,.png,**.css
-adaptresourcefilecontents **.fxml

Keep - Applications. Keep all application classes, along with their ‘main’ methods.

-keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

Also keep - Enumerations. Keep the special static methods that are required in

enumeration classes.

-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

Also keep - Database drivers. Keep all implementations of java.sql.Driver.

-keep class * extends java.sql.Driver

Also keep - Swing UI L&F. Keep all extensions of javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI,

along with the special ‘createUI’ method.

-keep class * extends javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI {
public static javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI createUI(javax.swing.JComponent);

Keep - Native method names. Keep all native class/method names.

-keepclasseswithmembers,includedescriptorclasses,allowshrinking class * {
native ;

now, I download the source ,and debug,print some logs show that in the action of Shrinker ,the class had disappear .

Hi @javafx ,

ProGuard indeed removes classes that are not really used in the code. This needs configuration as it can happen that a class that is actually used, is still removed by ProGuard. Adding a -keep rule for that class should do the trick;

-keep class com.example.MyClass

Please consult the troubleshooting guidelines for more info.

Best regards,


1 Like

thanks,and now I have a new question,
i have config

-keepclassmembers class * {

and after obfuscates,the fields annotation with @FXML don’t rename ,but the methods name which annotion with @FXML have change,It should not be rename.

and the action compoent corresponding this methods name have not change ,even if I have config -adaptresourcefilecontents **.fxml , does -adaptresourcefilecontents cofig just modify the class name ,not modify the mothod name?

thanks for watching,waitting your reply

Hi @javafx ,

I can see from your keep rules that the processLogin method should not be renamed.

If you write the method name explicitly in your keep rules does it work? e.g.

-keepclassmembers class * { public void processLogin(...); }

Are you able to provide a sample that reproduces the problem?

does -adaptresourcefilecontents cofig just modify the class name ,not modify the mothod name?

Yes, -adaptresourcefilecontents only modifies the class names in resource files not method names



thanks very much ,keepclassmembers has work.